Where is my booking confirmation?
I haven't received my flight ticket
Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu
Please note that,
1. If your flight is within 24 hours, your ticket will be issued within 15 mins.
2. If your flight is after 24 hours, your ticket will be issued within 1 hour.
Even after waiting for the above-mentioned time, if you haven't received your ticket information, please follow these steps before raising a support request.
1. Check your inbox for the email address you used to make the booking and look for the ticket confirmation mail. Search with the destination name you have booked or you can search for the mail in your inbox with keywords like booking or confirmation.
2. Still can't find it? Try checking your junk and spam folders.
3. Check for SMSs related to your booking on your phone.
Even after following the above steps, if you are not able to find out your tickets, please email with the subject "Ticket not received" to us at [email protected] with ALL the following mentioned information, please note that if you do not provide us with sufficient information, your resolution will be delayed.
1. Primary passenger's
a) First Name
b) Last Name
c) Date of birth
2. Email address
3. Phone number with Country Code
4. All the ticket-related and transaction-related emails and SMSs (please forward the emails as is, do not send screenshots. SMSs can be sent as screenshots)
5. Proof of amount deducted (SMS screenshot/Bank statement of the transaction. We only need the total amount deducted and the name of the deducting party. Please hide your card/account number, hide your address, hide your remaining balance, and hide any other personal information.)
6. Your travel plan
a) from
b) to
c) onward and/or return date
d) total number of passengers
Please note that we offer 24x7 support only in the English language. We do have limited support in all major international languages which is subject to the availability and office hours of the respective offices located in various countries.